Yugoslav Sociology of /External/ Migrations – an Attempt at Systematisation

Silva Mežnarić


The work has been designed as a review of fundamental knowledge and develop¬ment trends pertaining to sociological studies of external migration from Yugoslavia. It represents the first attempt to systematize such knowledge.
A total of 120 scientific and professional works written by Yugoslav authors, living in this country and abroad, in the 1965–1982 period are analyzed.
The treatment of these works included the following groups of topics: (1) labour markets in Europe and Yugoslavia; (2) migration between two socio-economic systems; (3) migration and “ideological exchange”; (4) migration and social (dis)organisation; (5) the “individual cost” of migration; (6) separate population groups during the processes of migration; (7) endeavours of the (Yugoslav) system's organised reaction to emigration.

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Migracijske i etničke teme / Migration and Ethnic Themes. ISSN 1333-2546; E-ISSN 1848-9184; DOI: 10.11567/met